NIKKOL GROUP has branches in major cities throughout the world. We can ascertain market needs in real time through our global network. This enables us to continue to develop, produce, and supply innovative products with optimal functions and value for a wide range of fields, including cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, textiles, and food, that meet the present and future needs of markets.
Sales | R&D
Founded in 1946, Nikko Chemicals has been involved in the research, development, and sale of special chemical products as a core company of the NIKKOL GROUP. Combining the functions of a manufacturing and trading company, we provide product development support, primarily for personal care products, pharmaceuticals, and chemical products, by making proposals based on information obtained via the GROUP’s extensive network of companies located globally.

Manufacturing of Raw Material | Contracted Manufacturing
The company provides special chemicals, such as surfactants, to several markets, including cosmetics, food products, toiletries, pharmaceuticals, and textiles, through Nikko Chemicals. Our unique technology also allows us to produce emulsifiers and solubilized formulations for cosmetics and bath additives. By providing outstanding materials that can only be realized with our unique technology, they contribute to the physical and mental well-being of their customers.

Contracted Research | Consulting
As a company specializing in skin-related contract testing, Nikoderm Research collaborates with other research institutions, both domestic and international, to test cosmetics and pharmaceutical products based on the latest scientific findings. In addition to assessing the safety and effectiveness of raw materials and preparations on skin, they also provide technical consultations, including suggestions regarding optimal assessment methods. We are a trusted partner in creating safe and highly functional cosmetic products.

Contract Manufacturing of Nail Polish and Nail Care Products
Using materials developed and manufactured by Chroma Durlin in France, which are free from toluene, formalin, and dibutyl phthalate (endocrine disrupter), Bergerac Japon, produces high quality nail polish and nail-related products under contract. Our manufacturing staff, whose technology has been recognized by first-class nail artists, are constantly bringing out new colors and adopting the latest trends from the European and American fashion scene.

Surfactant Manufacturing | Contract Manufacturing
Nikko Chemicals (Singapore) was established in 2007 as NIKKOL GROUP’s first overseas manufacturing base. Utilizing palm and coconut oil that are abundant in the neighboring regions, the company manufactures and supplies safe and high-quality surfactants to customers on a stable basis. The company is also actively engaged in the development of new raw materials and works with other chemical companies in the region to provide products to a wide range of markets in both Asia and the rest of the world.

Sales | Logistics
Nikko Chemicals Shanghai, is a company in China that holds sales and marketing functions, offering raw materials to customers who run cosmetics businesses in the Chinese market. It is also home to the Shanghai Open Laboratory, where we hold training courses for technicians and providing information regarding raw materials and formulations.

Sales | Logistics
Nikko Chemicals India, is a company that holds sales and marketing functions, offering raw materials to customers who run cosmetics businesses in the Indian market.

Company Affiliates
Development | Contract Manufacturing
KOBO Dispatek is an affiliated company that uses their advanced dispersion technology backed by colloid chemistry, assisting customers in the field of personal care with their product development and helping them to improve manufacturing efficiency and stability. Their powder surface modification technology and advanced machinery offer high-performance and high-quality dispersion products for manufacturing color cosmetics and skincare products.